TAB Stationary

OPzS cell

TAB OPzS stationary cells are produced in the conventional leadacid technology.
Stationary batteries of the OPzS type are intended for the supply of telecommunication facilities, computers, emergency lightning, alarm, control and monitoring systems in power plants and distribution stations, at railway stations, airports etc.

  1.80 1.77 1.75 1.67 IEC-896-1 Dimensions [mm] weight
  10 5 3 1 RI[mOhm] Isc[A] L W H Wet Dry
2 OPzS 100 111 97 85 62 1.48 135 103 206 420 13,7 8,7
3 OPzS 150 160 142 122 89 1.08 1845 103 206 420 16.0 11.0
4 OPzS 200 215 187 163 119 0.84 2376 103 206 420 18.0 13.0
5 OPzS 250 268 232 204 149 0.69 2887 124 206 420 22.0 16.0
6 OPzS 300 321 277 242 177 0.58 343 145 206 420 26.0 18.0
5 OPzS 350 393 336 290 212 0.64 3137 124 206 536 29.0 20.0
6 OPzS 420 470 403 348 254 0.55 3641 145 206 536 34.0 24.0
7 OPzS 490 550 470 406 296 0.48 4169 166 206 536 39.0 28.0
6 OPzS 600 685 582 510 370 0.45 4466 145 206 711 50.0 35.0
7 OPzS 700 798 681 598 436 0.38 5280 210 191 700 62.0 42.0
8 OPzS 800 912 778 683 499 0.33 6035 210 191 711 65.0 46.0
9 OPzS 900 1025 875 767 560 0.29 6948 210 233 711 77.0 53.0
10 OPzS 1000 1140 972 852 622 0.26 7720 210 233 711 80.0 57.0
12 OPzS 1200 1365 1165 1020 745 0.23 8814 210 275 711 93.0 66.0
12 OPzS 1500 1645 1410 1220 890 0.23 8605 210 275 861 119.0 88.0
14 OPzS 1750 1910 1640 1420 1035 0.19 10536 212 397 837 152.0 105.0
15 OPzS 1875 2050 1760 1520 1110 0.18 11289 212 397 837 156.0 110.0
16 OPzS 2000 2185 1875 1625 1185 0.17 12042 212 397 837 160.0 115.0
18 OPzS 2250 2455 2105 1825 1335 0.15 13506 212 487 837 192.0 134.0
20 OPzS 2500 2730 2340 2030 1480 0.13 15007 212 487 837 200.0 145.0
22 OPzS 2750 3000 2575 2230 1625 0.13 15941 212 576 837 232.0 159.0
24 OPzS 3000 3270 2805 2430 1775 0.12 17390 212 576 837 240.0 170.0

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